The Isle of Lewis
The Isle of Lewis plays a short but memorable moment roughly after the reader has read a third of the book. Here, Sergeant Major Taylor had been ordered to lead a small group of Royal Marines and civilian technicians to aid the local authorities in setting up their own power generating and helping the local MP in setting up a government.
Of course things don't go to plan, but to find out how of course you must read the book!
I visited the island in June 2024, and like most of the islands it was a grey day sadly. But these are a few of the pictures I recorded from that visit, and a visit in 2023 as well.

Not the best weather, but this view shows the main road from Stornoway to the Eye Peninsula. Braighe Beach is to the right of the picture and it was here that Major Morgan lands with his men . To the left of the picture, the white building is Holm View Guest House, where Morgan meets the school teacher Annette Davies and the over-confident Lucy as well.

Above is the graveyard of St Columba's Church, where Lucy was on her school trip and they noticed the road crash at the end of the road.

Braighe Beach from the east. The gate is roughly the spot I'd added a phone box for Brian O'Neil to crash his car into

This the real CALMAC ferry "Hebrides" that runs a triangle service between Lochmaddy (North Uist), Uis (Skye) and Tarbet (Isle of Harris)
Of course it is running safely still as this photo was taken close to Tarbet on the 30th June 2024, but in the book Corporal Fraser sinks a similar sized ferry ("The Pride of the Hebrides ") at its berth in Stowaway Harbour.

Stornoway Harbour

Stornoway Harbour
Various views from around the Isle of Lewis and the Isle of Harris